Reason Window Size Patch

reason window size patch

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Re: TCP window size bugs and patch (Re: 3 issues)

Wider is better. or not. size of contact patch arguement wider is better. or not. size of contact patch arguement

In a very heated debate on another forum, some associates and I have been debating whether or not wider is truly better.  So I address this forum it s been forever since I posted last

The basis is that for the same compound of tire, running in it s proper temperature zone, that wider is not always better.  

On one side of the arguement, the insistence is that as the area of the contact patch increases you go to a wider tire, that increase in area is what gives you more grip/traction.

On the other side, grip/traction is controlled by the coeff. of friction x the normal force, and width really doesn t matter.

really the question isDoes the size of the contact patch matter.

Apply this to an autocross or road race car that could be setup on anything from a 195 to a 275 width tire.

I can supply a pointer to the arguement if needed.

Thank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.

The Eng-Tips staff will check this out and take appropriate action.

wider is better? or not? size of contact patch arguement - Automotive tire/wheel engineering

reason window size patch

Oct 27, 2010  We ve gotten used to heirloom tomatoes and antique apples. Now there is an earth-toned rainbow of winter squash. Old American varieties have been.

reason window size patch

To: Iperf Users iperf-users --at--

Subject: Re: TCP window size bugs and patch Re: 3 issues

From: Mitch Kutzko mitch --at--

Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 :33 -0600

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Reply-to: Mitch Kutzko mitch --at--

Sender: owner-iperf-users --at--

On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 Marc.Herbert --at-- wrote:

Well I think that all of this functionality will be added to the next

version but not in this fashion. Thanks for pointing out the send vs.

issue, had not ran accross that so far. I did notice the server sending

code and had problems with it myself, but TCP at the theoritical

standpoint is only limited by reciever window and available bandwidth.

To maximize the performance, the sender should set it s send buffer

size and the receiver should set its receive buffer size to no less

than the capacity of the TCP pipe. Usually this number is the product of

bandwidth and round-trip-time bandwidth-delay product.

This is rather obvious, considering that the sender must keep in its

send buffer all the data not yet acknowledged. When the througput delay

product is high, the send buffer desesperatly needs to be high.

Yes you are correct, but I used at the theoritical standpoint for a

reason. Namely that the send window size is effectively controlled by the

recievers window size and the available bandwidth. eg. recieve window

8k and bandwidth delay 1k then a send window above 9k is never

realized The setting of send window size is needed because TCP

implementations generally allocate the maximum window at connection time

and it can not grow after that. This is an implementation issue not a

I believe this is why there is no setting for max send window size on

As a result it is hard for a client sender

to determine the best window since it has no control over either of the

Well, Iperf seems highly portable, I do not clearly understand why it

should give up some useful features just because Windows does not

support them anymore. But maybe I did not understand what you said .

I think you did misunderstand. The Windows implementation was in

referrence to the limit being imposed by the reciever window and

bandwidth as noted above and my belief that Windows will dynamically

allocate a larger send window if one is needed. I am not sure about

this, but it would be a logical reason. This contrasts to the static

allocation of most other implementations and has nothing to do with the

As far as the difficulty of the client to determine the best window is

that as noted above if the send window is above the 9k in the example

there is no increase in performance no matter what the window is set at.

Therefore it is neccesary for the server to send data to the client in

order for the change of window size on the client to be of any value. This

is the case for TCP in general and has nothing to do with the Windows

implementation or any other for that matter.

Mitch Kutzko mitch --at-- mitch --at-- 217-333-1199.

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reason window size patch

Nov 14, 2009  Search By File Size. By default it will show you a list of choices to choose from but sadly there is no way to customize these choices. It might require.